Open 7 Days A Week. Walk-Ins welcome for onsite appointment
Last clinic patient accepted 10 minute prior to closing time

8144 NW Prairie View Rd.
Kansas City, MO 64151
Tel: 816-505-3669 - Fax: 816-505-3670
907 E. Lincoln Lane
Gardner, KS 66030
Tel: 913-856-1369 - Fax: 913-856-1368

When you’re sick and can’t wait for an appointment with your primary care doctor, our physicians and experienced urgent care staff can help you feel better. First Point Urgent Care can diagnose, treat and prescribe medications.
Here are just a few of the ailments we can help alleviate:
Allergies and minor allergic
Migraines and Headaches
Nausea, Vomiting, and Diarrhea
Rashes and Poison Ivy
Skin Conditions
Sore Throat and Strep Throat
Upset Stomach
Refill of chronic medications. Though, we would like for you to continue the medications that were intended to keep your medical conditions under control/prevent withdrawal. We will take extra steps to verify with the prescribing doctor/DMP prior to prescribing stimulants (Adderal, Xanax, Ritalin, etc) and have the right to refuse service if suspect abuse/diversion